$3+ average EPCs - Note: we only ship in US, so if you use paid advertising, please target only US!- starting at 50% to 60%+ commission on the whole funnel
- Our tests showed an average Purchase Value of over $400, as most people buy 2 bottles and at least 3 month supply of the slimming tea. ->
- Converts very well through all channels we've tested so far: email, Facebook and Google Ads
- The sale page was written by a top copywriter who did multiple 7 figures in the weight loss industry
- Almost No Refunds from people who received our bottles and the slimming tea
- Two amazing products with great feedback from our clients that will help your prospects enjoy life more!
- Bump available to volume and proven affiliates
Here Are Our Best Affiliates' Stats For The Last 30 Days!
As you see in the screenshot below we've received from our Clickbank account manager, all these affiliates below have done over 500 sales for our offer